Friday, March 30, 2012

I Love You

"My name sounds different when you say it.

Sounds like everything will be okay."

I like someone! Everyone likes someone.... but this someone is special!

"dear you.
Sometimes, I like to think of myself as a raindrop. You know, just one small part of a big crowd, no one special. If you watch the rain pour down outside your window, it only looks like a big blur of water, but if you look at a raindrop up close, it has a lot of colors and it is actually quite beautiful in its simplicity.
Sometimes, I like to watch the rain hit the window of my car. Watch as two raindrops come together and form a bigger raindrop.I think of myself as one of those two raindrops. And I always think of you as the other one.
I would like to walk by your side, Your hand in mine, and stay there forever. Just as those two raindrops never part from one another, once they've crossed paths with each other.
love always,

I just think he is sooo amazing! So sweet in his own way!

"I love everything you hate about yourself."

He understands me and knows what I am going through!

   "because I'm still in love with you!" I screamed out, using up all of the oxygen that remained in my lungs.
A smile formed in his eyes as he closed the distance between us with a half step. He reached one hand to the side of my face, and brushed away my hair, taking a tear with it. He pushed his lips to my forehead, and wrapped his arms around me.
And then, just like i always dreamed, he stole a kiss.
And this kiss was more passionate than when Romeo Kissed Juliet and when the Prince kissed Cinderella."

I sometimes I wish that he would just know that I like REALLY like him! But I know that if i do tell him he won't be the same!

"And he makes me happier than I ever thought I could be."

He may never know! But others think he likes me back! I wish, but I am not sure!

"i wonder if you know what color my eyes are."

Does He pay attention to me? I don't know! All I know is that we are friends, and that I am pretty sure he likes someone else and that someone else likes someone else... and i like him!

"They say there's plenty of fish in the sea. But I don't want fish.
I just want you."

I do love you....... There is nothing that can change that! I will always love your brown eyes that sometimes look green, your dark hair that is so soft, your sweet smile that comforts me from three and a half miles away! And most of all...... You!!!!! You will have your amazing personality and your nice looks! But nothing can change you! You are you, and i am me! And sometimes.... I mean most of the time..... I mean always..... wish that you and me could be WE forever!

Monday, March 19, 2012


          I have had a lot of things happen to me! Some good, some bad. Life happens, there is nothing you can do! But when you have that one super special person, you just take a better look for EVERYTHING! No matter how down low it may be. Well..... maybe, for example.
          I was texting Dakota.

Me:  You will never guess what I am doing right now!

Dakota:  What?!

Me:  Well you have to guess first

Dakota:  Hmmmmmm..... Homework maybe?

Me: No.... I probably should.... but no

Dakota:  Idk what?

Me: Dancing in the rain! haha

Dakota: hahahahahaha

           I was enjoying dancing in the rain while watching my dog, because she can't be trusted because she runs away! It was absolutely pouring! If you were to stand outside for 5 minutes, you would be drenched!

Me: Oh My god..... I hate screaming! There is this girl screaming...... I don't know what to do!!!!! She is screaming for help!!!

Dakota:  Go see what she needs!!!! and gosh......

Me:  No.... It's like..... I have heard that kind of scream before dakota.... It's the kind......... Where........ you know, kidnapping! I don't know what to do! scary how different your mood can be with one word

Dakota:  Go see

Me:  I can't get myself to...... Im so scared

        I...I...I... just heard a gunshot.......... What do I do???

Dakota:  Idk!? Where is it??

Me:  Around my house......

Dakota:  Fore real?

Me:  I wouldn't lie about this dakota

Dakota:  Idk what to do.... Are your parents home?? Get inside

Me:  No..... I can't..... My dog got out again, I have to find her first!

Dakota:  Hurry and get inside

Me:  But what about missy?

Dakota:  Find her and then get inside

Me: Okay...

         I'm scared dakota

Dakota:  Pray and you will have comfort......... I put 95 sunday songs on your ipod

Me:  When do you suppose I can have that?

Dakota:  Soon.... Tomorrow

Me:  Tomorrow? Okay...... I feel sick

Dakota:  what kind of sick?

Me:  Like...... scared, worried, kinda sick....

Dakota:   PRAY..... IN FAITH

Me:  I hate crying...........dakota... it's so different here compared to Utah

Dakota:  Pray

Me:  I found her.... shes fine,

Dakota:  Okay..... Go inside and take a hot shower calm down clean, read scriptures, prepare to deal with your family.....

Me:  Right..... I should be prepared for these daily routines!

Dakota:  That' why you need to get in a better mood

Me:  I still feel horrible.... is that a problem? Or is that supposed to be like that? I guess I should know... but I just like forgetting these things, because maybe then I can hope that it will never happen again!

Dakota:  Prepare!

Me:  Yeah.... I'll sit in the shower and think.... preparation is always handy... Right?

Dakota:  Haha yeah

Me: I feel suddenly dizzy

Dakota:  Calm down.... Deep breathes and just tell yourself that everything will be okay and believe it and prepare...

Me:  I just totally passed out...

Dakota:  Ummmmmm....... Drink something eat somehting.... Calm yourself down

              I am going to bring your iPod..... Listen to the sunday playlist......

              We will be there in a minute

Me:  Thanks.

                     I had a hard day, and even though Dakota wasn't right there, he was helping me along, That is what great friends do! And people you like, well... let's just say you tend to like them more afterwards.
                     I know that he likes me now, I can guess that he isn't going to tell anyone else because... 1- I am only 15, can't date till I am 16..... 2- If he did, our parents might never let us hang out alone again........ and 3- He knows what is right and what is wrong and I trust him with that.

                    On tuesday of this same week, he and I went out, as friends, to a showcase, we went to a bookstore called The Brass Plates, it is a mormon book store. and then we went to Dairy Queen and just talked and ate chicken strips and french fries... best dinner ever! Then we were getting lost trying to find the school where the showcase was being held. We eventually go thtere and we were enjoying ourselves in the back making comments about how nice people were and how quiet, or strange they looked and really stupid things like that! Afterwards we were going to go home, but instead we went to the temple. It was so beautiful and I was so happy there, I just kept thinking about how lucky I was to have such an amazing friend like Dakota, He is the most extraordinary friend I have ever had, I always can speak my mind around him and not worry what he thinks.
                  We walked aruonf the white marble building. We talked about how we were going to have a patio like the walk around the temple. We were truely happy. We had to go, otherwise we could have stayed there forever. I had started crying when he had quickly ran into the church across the street to use the restroom. We climbed back into the car and were driving home.
            We talked about everything, this is when I didn't hold back any secrets. I spoke my mind and how I felt. I was crying, he was there for me. I knew no one else would hear besides him. In the peace and quiet all I could hear is our two heartbeats mixing, matching the same pattern and I enjoyed every moment of it.
          There are some things I wish I could relive.. that hour in the car with him is one of them, I loved talking to him, I loved him listening, i loved his sweet voice, his smile, his eyes, the warmth of his hands. Everything! Stalkerish I know... but true... Not only is it the outside that I love, it is also the inside... His sweet sincereity towards his family, how he treats me, I love his personality, I love his spirit............

                                              .............. I love him...............